To make sense of what's going on, we've each developed an 'explanatory style'. But good oils actually provide the heart with excellent lubrication and are naturally anti-inflammatory. Given that half of men over age 50 drink socially, which means occasionally and no more than moderately,4 the safe use of …
more ...The bottom line is that melasma is usually a recurring, albeit treatable, condition. We seek idyllic, nonexistent forms of closeness without conflict. The circumstantial evidence would be the scratch on the victim's arm, or the tears in his eyes. As you do, add a Kegel exercise: engage your pelvic floor …
more ...What if you questioned what difference it really makes which car you drive, where you live, how much money you earn, or why it matters whether some person likes or doesn't like you? Most people don't realize that perimenopause (or menopause transition) can start affecting women in their late thirties …
more ...Like any convincing performance, the medical theater requires its trappings to be convincing. For some reason, I had always believed that downplaying the best parts of myself made me a better person. You are continually caught in the conditioning, the attitudes, and the beliefs that you agreed upon, consciously or …
more ...We've decided it's a legitimate use of time because we often get so much done when we've had a change of scenery. But there's also the issue of what's known as psychological salience. This binge-restrict cycle can lead to serious disordered eating patterns and weight gain for some people, which …
more ...Sugar offers a quick boost and starches offer a longer boost. There's hardly a day that someone doesn't come into my office discussing some infraction perpetrated upon them by some other sidewalk walker, subway rider, driver, or bicyclist (we'll cover this more thoroughly in the Patrolling Clottery article. To further …
more ...Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them--every day begin the task anew. One of the reasons that some people engage in self-harm is to release emotional pain. Of course, in a perfect world, no one would ask you for anything. An indoor …
more ...Before attempting profound meditation, it is better to resort to asana and pranayama and seek medical counseling to defeat the mind's negative tendencies. In all my talk of the responsibility of the individual in marriage, I might be mistaken for endorsing two common ideas. Everything is easier when you are …
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