Emotional Functioning

Well, your truth is a completely unique and special representation of you in the world, and girls are attracted to that. How can she set limits with her friends in a way that won't hurt the friendship? One might think your friends are hugely important, but actually being alone with …

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No More Electric Shocks

If that was one of the first times you've practised meditation, you're starting a journey. See your lunchtime as a time to get moving and to enjoy your food, not a time to stuff something from the nearest food shop down your neck. In 2001, a San Francisco hospital ER …

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Sex Is A Gift

Verbal violence is always a symbol of physical threat. Appendix B: Meditation Practices at the back of the article details instructions for these two practices. In fact, this is so easy that sometimes doctors do it just to have a look. Whether King Milinda and the sage Nagasena are looking …

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Open Loops

When you have finished, take several minutes to come out of it. It was a clusterfuck of loopholes and admin dead zones . Others will have to fight their way out of childhood. Magazines are packed with advertisers' products, and we're inundated with commercials and ads, but how do we know …

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Lose Weight And Don't Find It Again

At the very top of the scale, there occurs the realization of one's true Self and the varying levels of Illumination. The person next door, or on the other side of the world, is a part of me. It is derogatory that the Creator of countless systems of worlds should …

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Painting By Numbers

These national events involve participating collection sites where people can drop off their old medications for proper, environmentally friendly disposal. The wandering vagus nerve touches many of your major organs, and because of this, it controls a lot of sensory and motor actions for those organs. They said I had …

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The Rapture Approach

Stress is basically a response to a threat in a particular circumstance. Insurance companies negotiate directly with hospitals. So the more activation that has been 'syphoned up' into the wordscape to subserve an attempt to construct conscious theories and explanations, the less is left to activate other areas of the …

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Relationships And Anxiety

It's the settlement, the alimony, the child support, the selling of property, and on and on. But nobody said you were going to owe him anything. Over the course of time, I have come to understand that the words enlightenment and true reality can create too much of a barrier …

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The Shame Of Wanting To Be Loved

Evolution has been helpful to our cognitive development, and the more we've been able to learn, the better we've been able to survive. When their pattern-recognition receptors detect a virus attack, cells can produce "warning proteins" called interferon alpha (IFN-a) and interferon beta (IFN-b) - proteins that can "interfere" with viral …

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What Purpose Does It Serve?

Think about what you do well, or would like to do well, and, most important, would really enjoy doing. Self-regulation - do you use your heightened self-awareness to reframe your unhelpful emotions? Without them, however, the universe wouldn't make much sense. If your goal is to be the lead singer in …

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Give Yourself An Easy-Out

They're simply too busy trying to get through the project to respond to new insights that--they fear--could lure them off track. At a physical level, it is the same as at a tactical or technical level. The company campus was so large, we needed a golf cart to tour the …

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Put On Those Rose-colored Glasses

It will be helpful to aid your clients in identifying new ways for self-care amid their deconstruction. The truth is that most men have ignored emotional awareness altogether, while most women have taken it a bit too far. But I can assure you, while confidence encompasses all of those things …

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Who Looks Outside, Dreams

Resilience, this process of using that adversity as fuel, has fundamentally changed my life. When you act as a normal earthling human you depend upon emotion. Al-though such action may seem harsh, it is sometimes necessary in order to prevent people from harming themselves or others and to ensure that …

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How Can Anger Affect Your Life?

Empathy allows us to enter into the emotional reality of our loved ones, so that even when there are differences, there can still be sharing. When going through challenges in life, it is daunting to think of the fact that life is purely based on the decisions that we make …

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Helping Ourselves To Sleep Better

I was indoctrinated into the world of wax in grade school when sitting in the kitchen of my best friend, Gayle. Learn to juggle, dance, play an instrument or anything that is new to you. My one thing that makes everything else feel easier or unnecessary is choosing what to …

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Over The Life Span

Patty Duke would run all over town in a manic episode, possessed with an urgency to put everything she had from tissues to earrings in safety-deposit boxes. Can we understand ourselves and the world around us? With so many traumatized kids on his caseload, Nate came up with a clever …

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What's Funny?

They believe they should be perfect, you should be perfect, events should happen exactly as they expected. And because self-grace is now part of my universe, I recognize that in the second half of my life it will be easier for me to keep the comeback switch turned on. If …

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Zoning Out

Feelings of fear, anxiety, and worry are heavier than feelings of happiness, safety, and love. It is not unusual to want some degree of separation to sort out your thoughts and feelings. Take this journey one step at a time, moving forward only when your body feels ready. People who …

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Sometimes Everything Is Wrong

To know when to go away and when to come closer is the key to any lasting relationship. Whatever the reason, we often protect ourselves from this information being brought to consciousness. Even if it's not closely related to your core ambitions, you may surprise yourself. It will take courage …

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Allowing Others To Sap Your Energy

As grateful as I am for the gift of technology, I never want it to compromise my relationships or my ability to live the full life you created me to live. Madeleine L'Engle, another of my beloved companions along the road, said, We can surely no longer pretend that our …

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